Improve Your Website URL Structure

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Best Practices

[toggle title=”Use Words in URLs” variation=””]

URLs with words that are relevant to your site’s content are friendlier to website visitors. They remember them better and are more willing to click on them.

With a Komotion Web Pack (try free) you do not need to do anything; our system will automatically create relevant URLs based on the title you provided for the page.


[toggle title=”Create a simple directory structure” variation=””]

Use a directory structure that organizes your content in a way that makes it easy for visitors to know where they are within your site. Use the directory structure to indicate the type of content that can be found at that URL. Do not use meaningless or deeply nested structures like “…/folder1/folder2/folder3/page.html”. Do not use folder or directory names unrelated to the content in them.

With a Komotion Web Pack (try free) your folder names will automatically be created from the title of the parent page. All you need to do for a nice structure is to ensure an appropriate parent/child relationship between your various pages.


[toggle title=”Provide one version of a URL to reach a document” variation=””]

Avoid having the same content accessible from multiple URLs as this will split the reputation of that content between the URLs. Focus on using and referring to one URL in the structure and internal linking of your pages. For example, avoid linking from http://www.mydomain.com/folder and http://mydomain.com/folder/ or http://subdomain.mydomain/folder/index.htm, even though all may show the same content. Avoid using mixed capitalization of URLs – all lower-case is best. If you find that visitors access same page from different URLs, set up a 301 redirect from pointing to your preferred URL. You may also use canonical URL or the rel=”canonical” link element.

With a Komotion Web Pack (try free) all these aspects are handled automatically for you; just be careful when you provide links in your email or print on your business card that you are consistent. Also keep in mind that your typical web address should end in a slash. So, your correct website address should be consistently used as http://mydomain.com/ or http://www.mydomain.com/ (depending on how you set it up) and not http://my domain.com, missing the last slash. When in doubt, navigate to the respective page with your browser and then look at exactly how the URL appears in the browser address bar.


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