Quick Start

[toggle title=”Access the Website Editor”]

[info_box]To edit the website, access the website’s editing “back-end” or dashboard by clicking the Login link in the top-right corner of your website pages. Enter the username and password that have been provided to you.[/info_box]

Once logged in, you will see the main Dashboard page for your website. To edit the website clicking on the left-side menu to access various tools and settings. The most important areas are:

  • Posts – Here is where you write/edit/manage your blog posts
  • Pages – Here is where you write/edit/manage your regular website pages
  • Appearance – Here is where you manage the widgets that appear in your website pages’ sidebars
  • Awake – Here is where you manage your website theme and various display properties and settings

Notice that when you view your website after you are logged in, a grey menu bar appears at the very top of your website pages, allowing one-click access to edit the website page that is displayed.

TIP: For increased productivity, keep your website editor in one browser window tab and your live site in another tab or a separate window. This will allow you to rapidly switch between the two or see them side-by-side.

[toggle title=”Website Name and Logo”]

[info_box]The website name or logo is displayed in the upper-left corner of all the website pages.[/info_box]

Edit Main Website Title Text (which appears at top-left of all pages)

  • Click on Settings in the left menu
  • Edit the Site Title field
  • Click Save Changes

Replace Website Title Text with a Graphic Logo

  • Click on Awake at bottom in left menu (note: Awake is the name of the master theme used for your website)
  • Select Custom Image Logo
  • Click Upload to get the upload popup
  • Click Browse and select your graphic image file
  • Click Upload
  • Click Insert
  • Click Save All Changes

To view changes made to your website, click Visit Site in the dark grey menu bar at the very top of the page.

[toggle title=”Show Website at Your Own Custom Domain”]

[info_box]If you have your own domain name and want your website to show there, you will need to take the 3 steps below. Please note that during this process your website may be temporarily unavailable.[/info_box]

1. Map your Custom Domain Name to Your New Website

Once you perform the steps these steps your website at http://yourname.komotion.com (including the website editing dashboard) will not be available until the whole process completes. 

  • Click Tools in the left menu
  • Click Domain Mapping
  • Enter your own domain name (make sure you type it correctly, e.g. mydomain.com)
  • Check Primary domain for this blog
  • Click Add

2. Redirect your Custom Domain Name to the Komotion Servers

Once you perform these steps it can take 24 hours for the settings to propagate throughout the Internet and reliably points to your new website.

  • Go to your domain registrar’s website
  • Log into your account
  • Add a DNS “A” record pointing at the IP address of this server: (if you do not know how to do that, ask for assistance from your registrar)
Use the IP address as identified here, ending in “230”. Ignore any note that mentions an IP address ending in “226”.

3. Park Your Custom Domain Name on the Komotion Server

Your custom domain name needs to be parked on the Komotion servers. Contact us and let us know the domain name we should park for you. Contact Komotion Support.

If you do not see your site live after 24 hours, please make sure you refresh the content in your browser, delete your browser cache and delete the cached DNS settings on your computer – for the latter type at the command line “ipconfig /flushdns”.)

[toggle title=”Customize Website Skin – Colors, Fonts, etc.”]

[info_box]The master theme of your website provides stunning looks with pre-configured design styles and ease of use with pre-built shortcodes. The theme (named Awake) also provides flexibility to change its look by editing the theme’s skin. You can change or create skins to suit your needs.[/info_box]

[note_box]Note: To freely experiment with theme variations without overwriting existing themes, create your own skin first, as a copy of an existing skin -or- as a new skin.[/note_box]

Activate and Preview a Skin

  • Click Awake in far-left menu
  • Click Skins on left
  • Select Choose a Skin
  • Click the drop-down menu and select a skin
  • Click Activate Skin
  • Click Visit Site in the very top grey menu bar so you can see how the skin looks like

Create and Activate a Copy of an Existing Skin

  • Click Awake in far-left menu
  • Click Skins on left
  • Select Manage Skins
  • Click Edit button for the skin you want to copy
  • Enter a new name for that skin (the name entry field is at the bottom of the page)
  • Click Save As New Skin
  • Click Choose Skin
  • Click the drop-down menu and select the skin copy you just created
  • Click Activate Skin

Create and Activate a New Skin

  • Click Awake in far-left menu
  • Click Skins on left
  • Select Create a New Skin
  • Enter a new name for that skin (the name entry field is at the bottom of the page)
  • Click Save Skin
  • Click Choose Skin
  • Click the drop-down menu and select the new skin you just created
  • Click Activate Skin
  • Click Visit Site in the very top grey menu bar so you can see how the skin looks like

TIP: The default skin we have provided (default.css) has some additional tweaks and refinements done using the Advanced Editor. It is generally recommended for new users to start with a copy of this default theme. Advanced users with CSS skills and comfortable editing using the Advanced Editor may be best served by creating a new theme from scratch.

Edit and View Changes to the Active Skin

  • Click Awake in far-left menu
  • Click Skins on left
  • Make a note of the active skin name (as it displays in the theme selector)
  • Select Manage Skins
  • Click the Edit button for the active skin
  • Edit the settings as you wish
  • Click Save Skin
  • Click Visit Site in the very top grey menu bar so you can see your changes applied
TIP: For a more productive workflow keep your site editor and the live site view in separate browser window tabs or even separate browser windows so you can more readily switch between them.

[toggle title=”Menus in Header or Footer”]

[info_box]Your website can display custom links lists of pages – or navigation menus – in the top (main or primary) menu bar, the header and the footer of all pages as well as in a page sidebar.[/info_box]

Change order of menu items

  • Click on Appearance in the left menu
  • Click on Menus
  • Select the tab for the menu you want to edit (e.g. Footer, Header, Main… from the top of the right column)
  • Drag up/down the grey bars (representing each menu item) to change the display order
  • Click Save Menu

Change a Menu Item Display Label

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Create Sub-menu Items

The Main (primary) menu supports nested menus, or sub-menus. Sub-menus of a menu item display when the website visitor hovers the mouse pointer over that menu item. To create sub-menus, follow instructions above but drag the menu item bar to the right. This will nest the menu item inside the one above it.

Remove menu items

  • Click on Appearance in the left menu
  • Click on Menus
  • Select the tab for the menu you want to edit (e.g. Footer, Header, Main… from the top of the right column)
  • Click triangle arrow at the right of the menu item grey to expand the respective menu item
  • Click Remove
  • Click Save Menu

Add menu items

Menu items can link to other pages, link to any URL or link to nothing…

1. Create new menu item linking to a page from your website:

  • Click on Appearance in the left menu
  • Click on Menus
  • Select the tab for the menu you want to edit (e.g. Footer, Header, Main… from the top of the right column)
  • Go to the Pages box in the left column
  • Click the page name of the page you want to link to
  • Click Add to Menu – the new menu item will appear as a grey bar on the right side
  • Drag menu item to the position you want
  • Click Save Menu

2. Create new menu item linking to any given URL (webpage address):

  • Click on Appearance in the left menu
  • Click on Menus
  • Select the tab for the menu you want to edit (e.g. Footer, Header, Main… from the top of the right column)
  • Go to the Custom Links box in the left column
  • Enter the URL you want for the menu item
  • Enter the menu Label you want for the menu item
  • Click Add to Menu – the new menu item will appear as a grey bar on the right side
  • Drag menu item to the position you want
  • Click Save Menu

3. Create a new menu item NOT linking to anything (sometimes used for menu items with sub-menus):

  • Follow directions above and for the URL simply enter the pound sign: #

[note_box]Display menu in sidebar

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[toggle title=”Page Sidebars”]

[note_box]Sidebars are special page displaying bits of information through widgets. Sidebars are created and managed separately from pages. Once a sidebar is created, you can manage the content (widgets) that displays inside that sidebar. For each page or blog post you can choose which sidebar to display on that page. The same sidebar can display on several pages.[/note_box]

Create a Sidebar

  • Click Awake (the name of the master theme used in your website) in the left menu
  • Click on the Sidebar tab
  • Enter a name for your sidebar
  • Click Add Sidebar
  • Click Save All Changes

Manage Content Inside a Sidebar

  • Click Appearance in the left menu
  • Click Widgets
  • Identify in the right column the sidebar you want to manage
  • Click on the sidebar grey bar to expand it
  • To add new content, drag widget from left column into the content area of the sidebar
  • To order content inside the sidebar, drag the widget bar up/down
  • To change properties of a widget inside the sidebar, click on it to expand it and adjust properties as neededTo remove content from the sidebar, drag it out from the sidebar
  • To remove content but keep it for later use, drag the widget into the Inactive Widgets area at the bottom of the left column

[fancy_box title=”Special Sidebar Types”]
Primary Widget Area sidebar is the default sidebar. This sidebar will be displayed on pages that have a layout with a sidebar but that do not have any specific other sidebar assigned.

Footer Widget Area sidebars are displayed in the footer. The theme supports 1 to 6 widget areas in the footer.

Assign a Sidebar to a Page

The default page template provides the options for three different layouts:

  • Full width (no sidebar)
  • Left Sidebar
  • Right Sidebar

Select the layout you want for the page under the main content editing area, under Awake General Option. Then choose which sidebar to display on that page. If you do not assign a sidebar, the Primary Widget Area sidebar will be displayed on the page.


[toggle title=”Top-right Header Area”]

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[toggle title=”Top-right Header Area”]

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[toggle title=”Home Page Slider”]

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[toggle title=”Home Page Call-to-Action Area”]

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[toggle title=”Home Page Content”]

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[toggle title=”Pages”]

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[toggle title=”Blog Posts”]

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[toggle title=”Images”]

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[toggle title=”Image Galleries”]

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[toggle title=”Page Title Teaser Text”]

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[toggle title=”Page Footer Teaser Text”]

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[toggle title=”Copyright Notice in Footer”]

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[toggle title=”Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Pages”]

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[toggle title=”Tips & Tricks”]

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Best to Edit in Word

Get Inspired: Go over all template pages, take a look at competitors

Go over all shortcodes

Top-down vs. Bottom-up

Use Google Chrome

Select by clicking on the selector path on the bottom of the editor window

Before you get started with a new site, it is a good idea to have a clear understanding of the page structure you want to build for your website, mainly:

  • Names of the menu items you want in the top menu bar
  • Names of all sub-menu items you plan to have (you can choose to have these appear in your menu or not)
  • Identify all other pages and how these would be accessed (for example, you may have a Privacy Policy page accessible from the website footer, or you may have pages that are only accessible from link in other pages)

Learn more about how to prepare the structure and content for your website.

Work with Two Windows

You may find it more productive to work with two browser windows side-by-side. One window for your edit screen and one to view the live website. You can simply click the browser refresh button to quickly see changes made to the live website.


[info_box]For easier reference consider printing this page from the web browser. There are some differences between how each browser prints:

  • Mozilla Firefox – prints all help text, including collapsed sections (get Firefox)
  • Google Chrome – prints text only for expanded section (get Chrome)
  • Internet Explorer – prints text for expanded sections but no headings (not recommended)


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