Log Into Your Account
Click on the Member Login link at the top-right of this web page. Login to your website using the username and password you received in email. This will take you to the main Admin Panel, the dashboard page of your account. The main menu bar is on the left.
Quick Peek
Click on Your Website Name text title in the upper left for a peek at your website in progress. You will see your new website as we set it up for you. Notice a rotating banner (or “slider”) on the Home Page. There is also an About Page. This are just placeholder content. You can edit those pages, delete them and add any other pages you need.
In the upper-left the Awake logo is a placeholder for your own site name.
Ready to Make It Your Own?
Ready to make some changes? Click the web browser’s back button to get back to the dashboard page and let’s personalize your site. We’ll first start with a few technical steps. For now, there is no need to understand details for each step. Just follow along exactly as described. Then, we’ll move on to more “fun” changes related to design and content. Later, we’ll take the time to explain in more detail various aspects of the tools and options available. You’ll have full access to detailed explanations in the User Guide.
As formatting conventions we generally use bold to identify actions (e.g. buttons to click on) or some important element. We use italic to identify labels, other screen elements, or otherwise emphasize our explanations.
[info_box]If our instructions are unclear, leave us a reply at the bottom of that page and we will revise it to be as helpful as possible. If you need further help, we are just a click away – contact us.[/info_box]
We’re excited to have you here and hope you enjoy building your site! Now let’s get started; click on each of the links below and follow the instructions:
- Choose your website colors
- Change your website title and tagline
- Change your account password
- Activate comment spam protection (configure Akismet plugin)
Note the [highlight1]Search Engines Blocked[/highlight1] notification in the upper-left? We set up your website this way so search engines will not get confused and upset with the changes you’ll make while you construct your site. Whenever you feel your site is ready for prime time, simply clicking on the notification and selecting the option to welcome search engines. Turn this on once your site has useful text content that search engines can use to index your site AND you do not keep modifying the address of each page.